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< 2025 >
  • 03

    Silver Spring and Landisville 1 Pumping Station Upgrades

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    These projects consist of pump station upgrades and new, larger force mains. Silver Springs Pump Station is located in West Hempfield Township, just off of Marietta Ave on Silver Spring Rd, and the Landisville 1 Pump Station is located in East Hempfield Township along Harrisburg Pike, behind the Hempfield Fire Dept..

  • 04

    Silver Spring and Landisville 1 Pumping Station Upgrades

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    These projects consist of pump station upgrades and new, larger force mains. Silver Springs Pump Station is located in West Hempfield Township, just off of Marietta Ave on Silver Spring Rd, and the Landisville 1 Pump Station is located in East Hempfield Township along Harrisburg Pike, behind the Hempfield Fire Dept..

  • 05

    Silver Spring and Landisville 1 Pumping Station Upgrades

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    These projects consist of pump station upgrades and new, larger force mains. Silver Springs Pump Station is located in West Hempfield Township, just off of Marietta Ave on Silver Spring Rd, and the Landisville 1 Pump Station is located in East Hempfield Township along Harrisburg Pike, behind the Hempfield Fire Dept..

  • 06

    Silver Spring and Landisville 1 Pumping Station Upgrades

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    These projects consist of pump station upgrades and new, larger force mains. Silver Springs Pump Station is located in West Hempfield Township, just off of Marietta Ave on Silver Spring Rd, and the Landisville 1 Pump Station is located in East Hempfield Township along Harrisburg Pike, behind the Hempfield Fire Dept..

  • 07

    Silver Spring and Landisville 1 Pumping Station Upgrades

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    These projects consist of pump station upgrades and new, larger force mains. Silver Springs Pump Station is located in West Hempfield Township, just off of Marietta Ave on Silver Spring Rd, and the Landisville 1 Pump Station is located in East Hempfield Township along Harrisburg Pike, behind the Hempfield Fire Dept..

Current Projects

Collection System Rehabilitation

Project consists of relining approximately 8,500 feet of 8″ diameter sewer main in Manheim Twp, East Hempfield Twp, and Manor Twp. LASA has contracted with Mr Rehab from Mechanicsburg Pa to perform the work.  Notices will be given prior to any work being performed and any questions can be directed to the Authority. Work is expected to begin in October 2024.

Silver Spring Pump Station Upgrade Design

This is a contract to design, bid, and manage construction of replacing LASA’s Silver Spring pump station, as recommended in the collection master plan.  The design and construction management contract is with ARRO Consulting. Construction is expected to begin December 2024.

Total cost of this project is $169,681.00

Landisville 1 Pump Station Upgrade Design

This contract is for design and construction administration of the upgrade and expansion of LASA’s Landisville 1 pump station, as recommended in the LASA collection system master plan.  The contract is with ARRO Consulting. Construction is expected to begin December 2024.

Total cost of this project is $303,894.00

Trucked Waste Improvements Design

This is the permitting, planning, design, bidding and construction administration for the Authority’s trucked waste improvements project at the LASA treatment plant.  The design contract is with Hazen & Sawyer.

This construction project would include construction of a trucked waste administration building and 2 holding tanks, each with submersible chopper pumps, screening equipment, new force main discharge piping, new electric, potable and utility water to serve the new station, and construction of an enclosure for the receiving area.

Total cost of this project is $226,425.00

LASA Treatment Plant Upgrade

The LASA treatment facility is undergoing a major upgrade that will include rehabilitation, replacement, and new construction of improvements to the liquid process, including a five stage BNR process that requires retrofitting existing process tanks and construction of 2 new trains, 4 new blowers and aeration piping, a supplemental carbon feed system and a nutrient side stream treatment system; a new secondary clarifier and new RAS/WAS pump station, WAS rotary drum thickening including WAS equalization storage and mixing, and new effluent flow metering.  The design contract is with Hazen & Sawyer.

 The design contract is for $5,248,284.  The current estimate for construction is $70 Million.

Acoustic Inspection of Sewer Mains

LASA personnel have been utilizing a new technology to inspect sewer pipes. Using a acoustic measuring device, we are quickly able to assess the condition of the pipe to determine the need for cleaning, and also for locating blockages. LASA personnel will be conducting these inspections throughout the service area on a continual basis.

Upper Little Conestoga River Interceptor Relining Project-Design

This is the fifth phase of the 5 year interceptor rehabilitation project, which will be rehabilitating approximately 5,000 feet of sewer main.