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    Board Meeting

    7:30 AM-8:30 AM

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Inspection Fee Rate Change - effective 10/1/2021

Please note that the sanitary sewer inspection fees paid after October 1, 2021 will increase for commercial and residential properties in areas served by the Lancaster Area Sewer Authority. The new rates for the sanitary sewer inspections will be as follows:


Lateral Inspection (New and Repair)


  1. The fee for a lateral inspection is payable at the time a connection permit is acquired or at the time the LASA Inspector is onsite for the repair inspection.
  2. The fee for a residential gravity lateral inspection will be $75.
  3. The fee for a residential low-pressure grinder pump lateral inspection will be $150.
  4. The fee for a commercial or industrial lateral inspection will be determined on a time-and-material basis.
  5. If the scheduled inspection should fail or if the inspector is required to perform more than one inspection, the additional fee will be $75 for each additional residential gravity lateral inspection and $150 for each additional residential low-pressure grinder pump lateral inspection.

Construction Inspection


  1. The fee for construction inspections will be based upon the then current hourly rate for an Authority inspector.
  2. Mileage will be billed at the current maximum allowable rate per mile as established by the IRS.
  3. The hourly rate for an authorized representative of the Authority will be based upon then current rate for the representative’s firm.